General Information on Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon
Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon is a Settlement in Varnavas in Athens in the Attica Region of Greece.
Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon is also a Beach.
The postal code of Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon is 19014 and its telephone access code is +3022950.
Approximately 17 people live in Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon.
Locations near Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon include the Village of Sessi and the Settlement of Limnionas.
On our Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon page you can see Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon Photos, explore Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon's Map and nearby Destinations, find Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon Hotels and check Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon's Weather by following the links below and to the left.
Current Weather in Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon
The weather conditions recorded for Agii Dimitrios on Tuesday, July 16 at 7:00 pm are:
Clear sky and the temperature is 33.5°.
The temperature today is expected to range between 33° and 35°.
The wind is blowing at a speed of 2 Bf (6.2 mph) from the North (344.0°) and the pressure is 1008 hPa.
Today's sunrise was at 06:13 and the sunset is at 20:46.
Weather Forecast for Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon
Day | Weather | Temperature | Wind |
Tue 16/07 | 24° - 33° | 3 Bf N | |
Wed 17/07 | 25° - 31° | 3 Bf NE | |
Thu 18/07 | 26° - 32° | 2 Bf N | |
Fri 19/07 | 26° - 32° | 3 Bf NE | |
Sat 20/07 | 25° - 31° | 2 Bf N | |
Sun 21/07 | 26° - 32° | 2 Bf E | |
Mon 22/07 | 26° - 31° | 2 Bf NE |
Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon Hotels
Hotels near Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon include Villa Agnanti Marathon (Greece), Dolphin Resort Kalamos (Attica), Amalia Residences, Leonanti Hotel and Paradise Hotel Skalas Oropou. See All Hotels in Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon >
Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon Car Rental
You can Rent a Car in Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon through the Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon Car Rental Engine.
Map of Agii Dimitrios & Penteleimon