Greek Font

There are many fonts that include Greek characters. Many are widespread in use, such as Arial and Times New Roman, while others cover more specialized needs.
In Greece, a society was founded in 1992, called the Greek Font Society, aiming at improving the standard of Greek digital typography. The Society has created many fonts supporting Greek characters, four of which also support the polytonic system; these are GFS Bodoni, GFS Didot, GFS Neohellenic and GFS Porson. Other fonts created by the Greek Font Society are GFS Complutum, GFS Baskerville, GFS Gazis, GFS Olga, GFS Solomos and GFS Theokritos.
In 1995, the Greek Font Society sponsored an international symposium on the Greek alphabet and typography, while to commemorate the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, it designed and published an edition of the 14 Olympian Odes of Pindar in historic Greek typefaces.
See Also: