Greek Translation

There are many automated programmes today offering translation services from one language to another.
This is also true for translations from Greek to English and vice versa. Instead of looking in a dictionary, these programmes may prove very handy when looking for a word or phrase, or maybe a synonym of a word. However, specifically for the Greek – English language pair, many difficulties arise that render the translation of huge texts by such automated programmes untrustworthy and oftentimes wrong. One of those problems is that the Greek language has a completely different structure than English; the latter is much stricter in terms of creating sentences and where each part of speech should be positioned, while Greek is more forgiving in this sense. Thus, a word – by – word translation from English to Greek which these programmes usually offer may create an unnatural Greek text, while the opposite translation might create wrong English texts in grammatical terms.
Moreover, other peculiarities, like the fact that a verb in Greek takes different forms depending on its (grammatical) subject, also pose difficulties in getting correct automated translations. Therefore, for the time being, although automated translators may sometimes prove useful for translating single words, the translation of larger texts should be assigned to professionals.
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