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Greek Tattoos

Greek mythology, especially, has many interesting stories to draw inspiration from. The Twelve Gods of Olympus are probably the most characteristics mythological figures, each of them representing a different value and meaning of life; Zeus, the Almighty; Hera, Goddess of Family and Marriage; Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty; Athena, Goddess of Wisdom; Apollo, God of Light and the Arts, etc. Mythical heroes have also inspired the creation of such tattoos; Hercules is probably the best – known Greek hero, a fearless demigod and protector of men. Odysseus (or Ulysses) and Achilles are also other important mythological figures, known through the epic poems of Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey, each of them having become symbols of cunning and heroism respectively.
Historical figures have also been the object of Greek – themed tattoos. Alexander the Great is probably the best known Greek general and has become a symbol of conquest and victory. Moreover, quotes that were said by famous Greeks may also be used as theme of a tattoo; some of the most used Greek quotes in tattoos include «Παν μέτρον άριστον» (Nothing in excess), «Γνώθι σαυτόν» (Know thyself) and «Μολών λαβέ» (Come and get it). Greek mythology and history are so rich sources that it is certain that anyone may find something inspirational for their tattoo theme.
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