Also known as:
Eleni Glykatzi-ahrweiler, Ελένη Γλύκατζη-Αρβελέρ
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Helene Glykatzi-Ahrweiler (29/08/1926 - )

She was born in Athens in 1926. After completing her secondary education, she enrolled at the School of Philosophy at University of Athens, and received her degree in History and Archaeology in 1950. After working at the Centre of Studies of Asia Minor, she continued her studies in Paris. In 1955, she was appointed at a research position at the National Centre of Scientific Research of France (CNRS), while in 1960, she completed her PhD in History from the University of Sorbonne. Meanwhile, she had already met Jacques Ahrweiler, a French Army officer, with whom she married in 1958. In 1964, she became the director of CNRS, and two years later, in 1966, she completed her second PhD in Philology.
Later, she received the title of Docteur des Lettres, became director of the Centre of Byzantine History and Culture and Christian Archaeology at the University Paris 1, and deputy dean of Sorbonne University. In 1976, she became the first woman in the world to become a dean of a world renowned university, such as the University of Sorbonne. She also became a Dean and Director at the University of Europe, President of the Ethics Committee of the National Centre of Scientific Research in France, President of the European Cultural Centre of Delphi in Greece and Honorary President of the International Committee of Byzantine Studies. In 2007, she received the title of Honorary Doctor of the Media Studies Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
She has previously received multiple awards and titles. In 2000, French president Jacques Chirac offered her the Medal of the Battalion Commander of the Legion of Honor (one of the highest awards of the French Republic), thus honoring her scientific work and directorship in various French universities as well as at the Cultural Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris. Throughout her academic career, she also became an Honorary Doctor of various universities in the world, including the ones of London, Belgrade, New York, Nouveau Brunswick, Lima, American University of Paris, Harvard and Haifa. She is also a member of the Royal British Academy, Royal Belgian Academy, Academy of Berlin and Science Academy of Bulgaria.
Moreover, some of the titles she has received include: Brigadier of the Legion of Honor in Greece, Golden Cross of the Legion and Brigade of Honor, Golden Cross of the National Brigade of Values, Brigadier of Arts and Education, Golden Cross of the Brigade of the Academic Phoenix, Citizen Medal (France), Highest Brigadier (Mexico), Brigadier of the Brigade of Eagle (Iceland), Brigadier of the National Brigade (Luxemburg), Higher Brigadier of the Brigade of Values (Austria), Brigadier of the Royal Brigade Dannerog (Denmark), Brigadier of Science, Education and Art (Portugal), Brigadier of the Brigade of Values (Italy), honorary medal of the Polish Science Academy and Member of the Order of the International Olympic Committee.
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