Also known as:
Νικόλαος Μαργιωρής
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Nikolaos Margioris (15/12/1913 - 06/05/1993)

He was born in Samos in 1913. When he was 13 years old, he started his path to Enlightenment for the first time. He was educated in India and Tibet for over a decade. He later went to Alexandria, Egypt to continue his studies. He married Litsa Papandreou and had two children. When World War II broke out, he served as an officer at the Sahara desert and he was wounded in El Alamein. For his service in the War, he received multiple awards. When he returned to Greece in 1958, he started teaching about esotericism, and published numerous books, essays and a magazine. According to his belief, there was a single truth and everyone was able to achieve it, either by means of mental processes (just like Socrates), or through religious mysticism (also called Christ – centric and Christ – cratic mysticism).
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